Ways to get Creative

Creative JS Facebook page

Here at CreativeJS, we’re usually so busy scouring the Internet for the latest amazing demos we don’t get a chance to catch up with you all as much as we’d like. We’d like to change that.

Over on our shiny, new Facebook page, we’ll be posting each article as it comes out and we’d love it if you want to join in the conversation there. If you subscribe to the page, you can get the articles right in your timeline. Effortless!

During our quest to find the most creative uses of JavaScript out there, we come across many more cool things than we could ever hope to write about. We’ll be posting a few of these to Facebook so you don’t miss them. You can also send us messages there if you find something you think we should cover.

Even more ways to get Creative

If Facebook’s not your thing, don’t worry. We’ve also added a weekly email digest to the site. Subscribe using the link in the sidebar and you’ll still never miss out.

There are now loads of ways to keep up with the articles here but if you have any more you’d like us to do, just get in touch.