Category Archives: Audio
Link: Infinite Beanstalk
A beautiful WebGL demo here using the three.js 3D library. Created by Einar Öberg, a Flash developer (and I would also say excellent JavaScript coder!) from Sweden. Einar explains his inspiration and how he made the beanstalk on his blog. The never-ending beanstalk is actually an … Continue reading
Link: SpeechBox2D
SpeechBox2D Clever use of Google Chrome’s native text-to-speech ability, combined with Processing JS and Box2D, created by v3ga. Not always accurate (I said “boom” and the word “poop” appeared!) and it would be great if the balls were more interactive, … Continue reading
What the bleep!?
A cool JS library that allows you to dynamically generate your own retro style sound effects : jsfx. It’s ported from sfxr, and you can play with the settings or just create random sounds with the buttons. Once you’ve perfected … Continue reading