Link: One Human Heartbeat

Data scientist Jen Lowe literally put her heartbeat up on the Internet. One Human Heartbeat is a site that pulses as her heart beats – or at least on a 24 hour delay. Statistics in the bottom left of the … Continue reading
Data scientist Jen Lowe literally put her heartbeat up on the Internet. One Human Heartbeat is a site that pulses as her heart beats – or at least on a 24 hour delay. Statistics in the bottom left of the … Continue reading
Einar Öberg, Technical Director at North Kingdom put together a lovely experiment that generatively adds trees, ferns and other jungle-like matter to Google Street View. What’s particularly nice about it is that the effect has appropriate depth – vegetation scales back … Continue reading
Creative coder extraordinaire Bartek Drodz put together this breathtaking sound visualization using a host of modern web technologies. Not merely content to do a single visualization, Bartek threw in five of them… and then added in Leap Motion control to boot! … Continue reading
I recently did a writeup on the creation of the dynamic logo for my company, Arbitrary. The logo utilizes the awesome Flat Surface Shader plugin in combination with some pretty slick canvas techniques to feel ever-changing. It even updates the favicon! The … Continue reading
Remote.js is a super slick way to wirelessly communicate between devices without the use of additional hardware or a middle man. Instead it relies on tones: Applications can communicate with one another by literally emitting tones at different frequencies. The … Continue reading